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Attendance Line Information

Dear WCS Families,

Last year at WCS we began utilizing new features offered through Pick Up Patrol to make our process more efficient.  Click here to follow the instructions to set up PickUp Patrol.  Please read carefully below so you know how to use each of the features.   

  1. Tardies- 

  1. When you log into your Pick Up Patrol account you will see
    (for only your students who attend WCS at this time) a new blue box on the bottom left hand side under your student(s) name that states “ Arriving late?”. If you know ahead of time or even that morning you can click this box and put in the time you think your student will be arriving and the reason. Then your student will be put in powerschool as Absent Excused until their arrival at WCS (you will not get an absent phone call from the school) and then you will see Tardy Excused for the day. 

  1. When you arrive at WCS you will let our office staff know you put your child Tardy in Pick Up Patrol, they will then check the student in. On your phone, when logged into Pick Up Patrol, you will see a new box pop up (under that same student's name) that will say “Check In”. You then click that box and it will automatically record to our office staff that you have checked in your student. We will no longer need your signature in the binder, however you are still required to accompany your student INSIDE the building.

  1. Absent-

    1. At this time, you can still use our phone or email options when calling your student out, but our new preferred method will be using Pick Up Patrol.  There is now a new dismissal option labeled “Absent”. When needing to let WCS know that your student will not be coming into school, you can log onto Pick Up Patrol and add them as absent for the day and/or days they will not be in school. We are hoping this serves as a fast and easy way to mark your child's absent excused.

  1. Early Dismissals-

    1. There has always been a drop down to add early dismissal as your child's dismissal plan for the day. We are asking that families start to utilize this each time you need to pick your child up early. In the required notes section you will need to provide the name of the person picking up your child, as it must match the name on the mandatory license check at pick up.

    2. If your student is leaving for an appointment please provide at the end of day plans for your student in the notes section for reasons for early dismissal.